WHY is ‘WHY’ so important?

October 12, 2021
min read

Light functions in mysterious ways. A single beam of light can do a million different things depending on what it reflects on or through. If you shine a ray of light into a crystal, you can see rainbows on the wall. Flash it on a mirror, and you can project the beam into a dark corner. Focus a single laser beam just right, and you can slice steel...

Knowing the 'WHY' in your business is like honing a laser beam to cut through metal.

Here are 4 reasons why ‘WHY’ so important:

  • Strategic clarity

'WHY' sets boundaries for what an organization will and will not do as part of its growth strategy. 'WHY' is the lens to view the big strategic picture. At Grant Master, the heart of our motivation and inspiration is to help businesses earn more and do more through technology. Our productivity has evolved with this vision in mind. Even amid fierce competition, we understand what fits in our core and what does not.

  • Transformation

'WHY’ is an antidote for managing organizational transformation. Instead of anchoring the need for change to a fight or flight scenario, tie change to the company's 'WHY' (purpose). This will help your team understand the need for change.

  • Innovation

'WHY' inspires bright ideas and creativity. Guided by 'WHY', employees are empowered to recast themselves as problem solvers and value providers. When employees understand 'WHY' in terms of mission, vision, goals, values, etc they are automatically engaged and inspired to work together to promote the brand.

  • Build bridges

'WHY' is the force to promote and create better alliances, in the interests of a single compelling aim. Companies can assess their potential for partnership just by understanding the common ground in their 'WHY'.

'WHY' is the guiding force that tells others how to interact with your brand and what is important in driving your company forward.

What is your ‘WHY’?

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