Grant Writing Secrets For Startups: How To Stand Out From The Crowd

June 21, 2023
min read

Securing grant funding can be a game-changer for startups, providing essential resources to fuel growth and innovation. However, with stiff competition, it's crucial to stand out from the crowd. Think of the grant application as your startup's "fashion statement" at a glamorous gala, to make a lasting impression, you need a tailored application that showcases your uniqueness. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps that can make your application worth the time of reviewers. 

1. Research Grant Opportunities

Just as a detective investigates a crime scene, your task is to uncover the right grant opportunities for your startup. Start by identifying programs that align with your industry, mission, and goals. Dissect and understand the eligibility criteria and requirements to determine if it is a good fit. Remember, grants are not one cap fits all, so evaluate the fit between your startup and the grant to maximize your chances of success.

2. Know Your Funders

According to William Hutchins, “An expert is a man who knows just that much more about his subject than his associates”. Conduct thorough research on the funder to understand their values, priorities, and preferences. Find out about the previous winners and their project ideas. Understand the specific criteria outlined in the application, demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to their requirements. 

3. Write a Persuasive Executive Summary

Imagine your grant application as a book with an intriguing prologue that leaves readers eager for more. Craft an executive summary that grabs the grantor's attention from the very beginning and compels them to delve deeper into the proposal. By writing a persuasive executive summary that concisely captures the essence of your application, the stage for a compelling grant application that stands out from the rest will be created.

4. Craft a Compelling Proposal

Consider the proposal as the bridge between the startup and the funders. Craft a narrative that effectively tells your startup's story. Highlight the problem to be addressed with emphasis on the significance of the solution and how the solution will make a difference. To win over the funder, the startup must demonstrate that they are the right one deserving of the funding by showing the potential impact and aligning its mission with the goal of the funders. 

5. Show Your Difference

Think of your startup as a flower in the orchard of a funder; to attract the funder's attention, you must showcase what makes you stand out. Your proposal should be heavy on the unique proposition of your startup, whether it's a new approach to solving an existing problem or a new solution to a new problem. Let your proposal reflect your innovation that convinces funders they are not funding a duplicate idea but that which can be replicated. 

6. Justify Your Budget

A well-written budget is like a see-through window into a building's construction plans. Justify the amount requested by writing a comprehensive budget that clearly outlines how the grant funds will be utilized. Additionally, show a sustainability plan beyond the grant, assuring the grantor that their investment will yield long-term benefits. By presenting a transparent financial plan, you'll instill confidence in the grantor and enhance your chances of success.

7. Leverage Support and Partnerships

There is a saying that two heads are better than one. Collaborate with other organizations to give your application an edge over lone applicants and clearly show how their involvement will strengthen your project's impact. Including letters of support from relevant stakeholders such as industry experts, or community leaders and testimonials from clients stands you out from the rest. Strategic partnerships enhance credibility and show the startup has a solid network of support.

8. Proofreading and Reviewing

Just as a diamond jeweler inspects every facet to ensure it is gleaming with brilliance, dedicate some time to proofreading and reviewing the application meticulously. Edit for clarity, grammar, and coherence and ensure the message is clear. Review for consistency throughout the application. Alternatively, let Grant Master handle the entire process to give you a flawless application that captivates the grantor.


In the grant application journey, it's not just the destination that matters but also the path taken. Standing out from the crowd is a serious thing to consider for startups looking to secure funding as the competition gets tougher. This blog post has highlighted eight steps for startups to take to be the diamond in the dirt of many applications. Professional  grant writers knows how to communicate your project ideas effectively using compelling and persuasive narratives that interest the funders and increase your chances of being funded. Still don’t like the idea of hiring a grant writer? Think about two people in a racing competition, one with a car (with grant writer) and the other with none (without grant writer).  

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