There are numerous grant opportunities that are available every year for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Startups in Africa and across the globe. The US Government alone gives out billions of dollars in grant funding every single year. So, if you have not yet considered investing in seeking grants to fund your startup/MSME this year, you should: it can provide the necessary resources to achieve your organisation’s goals without having to rely on loans or equity financing – or can supplement these other sources of finance. Moreover, it can catalyse business growth, enabling you to create jobs, contribute to the local economy, and make tangible impact. What's more, winning grants gives you an edge to raise more funds as it helps you build credibility.
What are the Grant Winning Secrets for a Startup/MSME in 2023?
There's just one ultimate secret to winning grants as a Startup or MSME in 2023: deliver a "money-magnet" grant proposal. In other words, your proposal must be so well-written that the grant reviewers can only exclaim: "Aha! This is what we are looking for!"
Writing such grant proposals requires great writing skills, such as storytelling, the use of persuasive language, appropriate expressions, among others. Nonetheless, it doesn't end there. Your proposal must have substance; that is, the project itself that you want to raise funds for must also be attractive. Experienced grant reviewers (experts selected by grant funders to assess applications and select potential awardees) can often tell when a grant proposal is just beautifully written, but lacking in substance. And as you can imagine, it will not deliver the "Aha" response.
The best part is, getting your grant proposal to have "substance" is not rocket science: you just need a few basic, but very helpful, resources. Once you have these resources on ground, they will help you to determine which types of grants you are ready to apply for (and win), and how to go about it. Sometimes, funders also request for them to be attached to proposals, so having them handy is vital.
For this article, I have selected 7 resources that we have found to be most valuable for MSMEs and startups. Take a look!
- Business Plan
- Pitch Deck
- Audited Financial Statements
- CVs of Managing Team
- Optimised Landing Page
- Up-to-date Social Media Profiles
- Video Scripts
1. Business Plan
A strong business plan is crucial for securing grant funding for your MSME. A well-written business plan can help demonstrate your organisation's capacity, financial stability, and potential impact to funders. It should include:
- Executive Summary: A brief overview of your business and its goals
- Problem Statement: A description of the problem your business is trying to solve
- Solution: A description of the products, services, or programs you offer to address the problem
- Business Model: A description of how your MSME/startup will generate revenue
- Market Analysis: A description of your target market and the competitive landscape
- Financial Projections: A projection of your organisation's financial performance over the next 3-5 years
- Management Team: A description of your management team, including their experience and qualifications.
Moreover, it might be great to have a simplified business plan (max of 2 pages) tailored to a particular project that you need to fund. For example, if you are expanding your business to serve another target market or introducing a new product, you might need to develop a business plan tailored to it to aid you in your grant seeking process.
Read also: 5 Key Documents You Need to Attract Your Next Funding
2. Pitch Deck
A pitch deck is similar to a simplified business plan, except that it is a visual presentation that summarises your business plan and is used to pitch to potential funders, including grant-makers/funders. Oftentimes, it is requested alongside grant applications and proposals, so your MSME or Startup must have this on ground if you are aiming to win grants 2023.
A pitch deck for grant funding should include all the elements in a business plan outlined earlier such as problem statements, solutions, business model, etc., and, in addition:
- Impact: A demonstration of the potential impact your organisation can have on the problem it is trying to solve.
- Ask: A clear and concise explanation of the funding you are seeking and how it will be used to support your business goals.
- Conclusion: A summary of the key takeaways from your pitch and a call to action for potential funders
It's important to keep your pitch deck visually appealing and easy to follow, and to tailor your presentation to the specific requirements and interests of the grant-making body you are pitching to.
3. Audited Financial Statements
Audited financial statements are often required by grant-making bodies as part of the grant funding application process. These statements provide a detailed and independent assessment of a business's financial performance and health, and are usually prepared by a certified chartered accountant. Audited financial statements help grant funders assess your MSME/startup's financial stability, ability to manage funds, and track record of financial accountability. It also helps them determine your business' ability to carry out the proposed project or program, and ensure that the funds will be used for their intended purposes. Thus, having accurate and up-to-date audited financial statements can increase your business' chances of receiving grant funding.
Moreover, having an accurate record of your past financial performance would enable you to make more accurate financial projections for the project you want to fund and help you to develop a well-detailed budget.
4. CVs of Managing Team
Curriculum Vitae (CV) profiles are useful to startups and MSMEs when applying for grant funding. Many times, they are required by grant funders as part of the application process; and even when it is not directly required, they almost always request for a summary of the managing team's profiles. A CV profile highlights a person's education, work experience, research and publication history, and other relevant information that showcases their qualifications and expertise. A strong CV profile can help increase a grant applicant's chances of being selected for funding as it demonstrates their ability to effectively execute a proposed project.
5. Optimised Landing Page
As an MSME or Startup, your landing page can be an effective tool for attracting grant funding. In fact, the first thing a grant reviewer is likely to do to validate your business/project's existence is to visit your landing page. Here are some strategies you can use to make your landing page more effective in attracting grants:
- Clearly articulate your value proposition: Highlight the unique value your business offers, and explain how it aligns with the goals of the grant you are applying for.
- Showcase your track record: Provide evidence of your business's past success and achievements, including any grants you have received in the past or partnerships with more well-known organisations that you have secured.
- Use persuasive language: Use language that is persuasive and compelling to convince a funder that you are their best bet.
- Optimise for search engines: Use relevant keywords in your page content, meta tags, and image descriptions, to improve your page's search engine ranking and make it easier for grant reviewers to find your page.
6. Up-to-date Social Media Profiles
Social media profiles play a key role in grant funding applications by providing funders with additional information about your MSME/startup and the proposed project. Social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, can showcase your professional background and expertise, as well as your network. In addition, they can demonstrate your business' ability to effectively communicate and engage with stakeholders, which can be important for the project’s success.
Grant reviewers can also use social media profiles to research your business reputation, track record, and level of engagement with your audience. In some cases, grant-making bodies may also use social media to monitor the impact of the funded project and assess the applicant's ability to share their progress and results with their audience.
Thus, while social media profiles are not typically required as part of the grant funding application process, they often provide additional information and context that may help your grant application stand out and increase your business's chances of being selected for funding. As such, ensure that your social media pages effectively showcase your traction.
7. Video Scripts
Grant funders may require applicants to submit a video pitch as part of the application process, to give them a better understanding of the proposed project and the applicant's ability to carry it out. As such, having a well-crafted video script can help your MSME or Startup to communicate the key elements of the project you want to fund in a clear and compelling manner, including the problem being addressed, the proposed solution, the impact that the project is expected to have, and the qualifications of the applicant. The video script should also emphasise why the project is unique and deserving of funding. As a result, a strong video script can help increase the chances of obtaining grant funding by showcasing your passion and expertise for the project.
So far, we have reviewed some resources that your MSME or Startup need to have on ground inorder to be ready to win grants in 2023. Although it might seem overwhelming, you don't need to panic: Grant Master is here to help you ease the process of getting grant funding from start to win. That's why we also offer support services such as business plan writing, pitch deck creation, CV profile revamps, landing page revamp, and a whole lot more!
Head over and check them out here.